A truck contains a set of information on a specific vehicle. All types of vehicles can be registered as a truck.
The truck page consists of a number of tab sheets. Depending on the personalization-settings, not all tabs will will be shown automatically to each user/role.
Tab: General
The basic information on the truck.
Field | Description |
No. | An unique number. |
Registration No | The registration number of the truck. |
Description | Not required for planning purposes. |
Resource Group | When different type of vehicles a planned it is adviced to create a groupe per type. For example, Vans, Motorwagon, Trucks, etc. |
Brand | Not required for planning purposes. For maintenance registration is adviced. |
Model | Not required for planning purposes. For maintenance registration is adviced. |
Default driver | When only driver operates the truck. Click on the cell and add a line with the default driver when required. See Resource Assignment. |
Default trailer | When the same trailer is used by the truck. Click on the cell and add a line with the default trailer when required. See Resource Assignment. |
Carrier No | Select the owner of the truck when a truck is planned for a subcontractor |
Carrier | Enable when the truck can carry cargo. |
On Board Computer Type | Fill in when an integration with the board-computer has been set up. |
On board Computer ID | The unique number of the boardcomputer which is used for data-integration. |
Tab: Financial
The financial information on the truck
Field | Description |
Cost per Kilometer | The amount used in trip-calculations. |
Cost per hour | The amount used in trip-calculations. |
Tab: Location
Based on data-integration with a boardcomputer the postition can be shown.
Field | Description |
Default Site | When a company uses multiple sites, the default site of a truck can be registered for planning purposes. |
Tab: Allocation
See the page: Resource Allocation for more information.
Tab: Attributes
When additional fields are required on a truck an attribute-field can be setup in AttributeSetup
Tab: Registrations
By adding registration lines users can register documents, permits and specific equipment belonging to the truck.
With the assignment function you can determine any combination of truck, trailer and driver.
When opening this screen and no assignements have been setup for the truck automatically all assignements for other trucks will be shown. When setting up a new assignement often a previous recorded setup has to be changed. By showing all assignements the desired line can be modified.
Fleet managment info
Addtional information on the truck can be entered.
The Fleet management page consists of a number of tab sheets. Depending on the personalization-settings, not all tabs will will be shown automatically to each user/role.
Tabsheet | Description |
General | Detailed information about the truck. |
Measurements | The dimensions, wheelbases, tire-size, axle-weight and tank-contents. |
Options | Detailed information on the options on the truck. |
Certicicates/Inspections | Detailed information on the certificates en inspections of the truck. |
Finances/Insurance | Detailed information on the lease contract en insurance of the truck. |
Maintenance | Detailed information on maintenance contract on the truck. |
Maintenance planning
Maintenance appointments can be registered. T
Resource capacity
The capacity of planning-units a resource can carry. See tab: Planning Units in the Transport setup. By default, the capacity is copied from the capacity set on the resource group. It is possible to deviate from the default capacity per truck. Setting up capacity is only necessary on trucks that can carry cargo, for example when the trucktype is a delivery van.
By setting up and defining restrictions on a truck, it can be defined whether specific conditions apply to a truck. For example, ADR-equipment that is available or a type of trailer that is forbidden. When restrictions are set on a truck, it is necessary for the same restriction to be set on a trailer or goods. For example, a trailer is a Mega trailer or goods requires ADR. In the current version of TMS no checks on adress and resource restrictions when a trip is created.
By defining lines registration codes like permits, certificates and equipment which are applicable on the truck can be setup and when they expire. Registration can also be recorded on other resources like driver and trailer.