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Settings Outsourcing Integration Transpas Enterprice


When outsourcing a trip to a carrier who can receive order-confirmation in a Transpas Enterprice format, 3PL can offer a automated message structure.


Based on a step or statuschange in the trip automatically a message will be generated and saved on a external FTP directory. This file can be picked up by the carrier as an order-confirmation.


The following steps must be completed to setup a message structure.

Message Configuration


| Truck | A Truck has to be created for the vendor. The field: Carrier No. must contain the VendorNo. | created.|


| Device| A record has to be created. The field: Brand must contain the value: CARRIER.|

Resource Device

| Resource Devices| A record has to be created. The field: Resource must contain the Truck created. The field: Device must contain the device

Device Task Configuration

Statustemplate / step

In the statustemplage of the trip a line must be added with the code--unit: New Task(11172853). If creating of the message must be triggered manualy this code-unit can be setup in a step. This step