Table of Contents

Address Setup


This page contains all settings related to Addresses


Address Setup


Field Desciption
Compact Address Format -
Address Not Found Select which action to take when receiving address details on an order-import. The following options:
- Insert Address, the functionaltity: Duplicate Address Management will be applied. See tab: Duplicate Addresses.
- Insert Document Address, the functiononality Address Import Analysis will be applied. See tab: Document Address.
-Do nothing, a new Address will be created automatically.
Skip Blocked Addresses Addresses with the field: Blocked=True will not be included when searching for addresses based on the address details in an order-import.
Autosearch for Duplicate Address True: the system will compare the address details received in an order-import with existing Addresses. A search string in Duplicate Search String Setup must be set.
False: the functionality Address Import Analysis is applicable.
Search Hit % The minimum percentage of matching an existing Address to apply the existing Address on an order-import. See Duplicate Address Management for more information.
Check Duplicate Address At what moment will the check be triggered when adding an Address manually. The following options:
- On close Card: when the address-card is closed.
- On Enter City: When selecting the city in the field: City.
Find Duplicate Addresses Apply the find duplicate address functionality when receiving address details on an order-import and the setting: *Address not Found * is set to Address Import Analysis.
Find Address in Geo-range Find Addresses based on the geo-location of the received address-details and the value as set in: Geo Search Range
Geo Search Range(km) All Addresses found within the Geo Search Range from the address details received on an order-import will be shown in the search view in the functionalityAddress Import Analysis.
Auto Geo Coding A geo-location will be added to address details received on an order-import. Setting must be: True if the setting: Find Address in Geo-range is set to: True.
Auto Create CustVend Address Must be set to: True to create a Customer Vendor Addres Setup line on the existing Address when linking address details received on an order-import to an existing Address.
Auto Create Duplicate Index -


Action Description
Duplicate Search String Setup Settings regarding which fields the duplicate address check should be performed.