Table of Contents

Tab: Planned Sections


The tab: Planned Sections contains a line for each section planned on the selected trip.




Group Action Description
Manage Select for planning Selects the current line.
Manage Print Opens the page: Reports Selections with the reports that can be printed on a section.
Manage Previous Status Changes the status of the selected section.
Manage Next Status Changes the status of the selected section.
Manage Create Irregularity Opens the page: Irregularity to enter e new Irregularity on the section.
Manage Edit Opens the page: section in the edit-modus.
Manage View Opens the page: section in the read-only-modus.
Line Section Opens the page: section
Line Deassign Plan Section Removes the selected section from the trip so it can be replanned.
Line Split Plan Section Opens the page: Address List so a Depot Address can be selected to add a new section.
Line Order details Opens the page: Order in edit-modus.
Line All Orders Opens a listpage with al the orders planned on the trip.
Line Add Address Adds an additional address/activity for additioal activity like borders, waypoints, Ferries etc. to the section.
Line Order Package Processing Opens the page Packaging to registered packeges loaded/unloaded on the section.


Field Description
No. The ordernumer of the section.
Load Sequence The loading sequence of the section on the trip.
Unload Sequence The unloading sequence of the section on the trip.
Status The actual status of the section
Loading Date From The date on which the section is available to collect.
Loading Date To The date on which the section has to be collected at the latest.
Loading Time From The time on which the section is available to collect.
Loading Time To The time on which the section has to be collected at the latest.
From Address Description The descripton of the from-addresss of the section.
From Address City The city of the from-address of the section.
Unloading Date From The date on which the section may be delivered.
Unloading Date To The date on which the section has to be delivered at the latest.
Unloading Time From The time on which the section may be delivered.
Unloading Time To The time on which the section has to be delivered at the latest.
To Address Description The descripton of the to-addresss of the section.
To Address City The city of the to-address of the section.
Load Mtr The sum of the 4th planning unit field of the section.
Kilogram The sum of the 3rd planning unit field of the section.
Euro The sum of the 1rd planning unit field of the section.
Blok The sum of the 2nd planning unit field of the section.