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Package Ledger Entries


The page: Package Ledger Entries contains all transactions related to Package Exchange records. The records on this page are the basis for calculating the balance on Package Exchange Items per [Customer, Vendor and/or Address.


When Package Exchange records are posted, lines will be created in the table: Package Ledger Entry.

Package Ledger Entries


Action Description
Reverse Will create a reverse line based on the selected line to correct the selected line.


Field Desciption
Entry No. The unique identifier of the record.
Posting Date The date on which the package echange is posted.
Entry Type Inbound: package items are collected.
Outbound: package items are dropped off.
TMS Document Type Fixed value: Section.
TMS Document No. The document number on which the package exchange has been posted.
External Document No. The external document numbner as registered on the TMS order.
Trip No. The trip number on which the package exchange is posted.
Package No. The type of package on which the package exchange is posted.
Decription The description of the activity on which the package exchange has been posted.
Quantity The quantity of packages posted.
Decription: Load, Entry Type: Inbound ; the number of packages as registered in the order
Decription: Load, Entry Type: Outbound ; the number of packages exchanged/dropped off.
Decription: UnLoad, Entry Type: Outbound ; the number of packages as registered in the order
Decription: UnLoad, Entry Type: Inbound ; the number of packages exchanged/collected.
Source Type Fixed value: Customer when registering package exchange per customer.
Source No. The unique number of the Customer on which the package exchange has been posted.
Source No. on Balance Yes: If a package Exchange Agreement has been set for the Customer, the line will be included when calculating the balance.
No: the line will be excluded when calculating the balance on package exchange.
Vendor No. When the package exchange is posted on a trip with is outsourced or planned on a vehicle of a subcontractor the vendor no. will be linked.
Vendor on Balance Yes: If a package Exchange Agreement has been set for the Vendor, the line will be included when calculating the balance.
No: the line will be excluded when calculating the balance on package exchange.
Reason Code The reason code as selected when posting a package line and the balance is not zero.
Addres No. The unique number of the Address on which the package exchange has been posted.
Addresss No. on Balance Yes: If a package Exchange Agreement has been set for the Address, the line will be included when calculating the balance.
No: the line will be excluded when calculating the balance on package exchange.