Table of Contents

Package Exchange


The functionality Package Exchange helps users to register, monitor en report the transactions on packages.


The following diagram shows the stucture of the proces-flow on Package Exchange.

Package Exchange Proces

Trip Packaging Administration

The functionality on the page: Trip Package Administration the user can perform checks on the documents linked to the trip which has been completed and register the exchange of packages.

Package Balance Calculation & Reporting

The page: Package Balance shows what the balance is on packages per Customer, Vendor and/or Address based on the Package ledger entries.

Settings Package Exchange

For the Package Exchange functionality the following settings must be completed:

Setup Decription
Activities Normaly exchange of package is only required on the activities loading and unloading. Check the field: Package Default on the activities Loading and Unloading on the page: Activity List
Customer/Vendor Adres Setup If a balance is to be recorded on the customer-level, for each loading-address a line must be created on the customer via the action: Extra > Address Setup on the customer-page.
Package Setup On the page: Package Setup a No.Series must be set. Allow manual entries on this No. Serie.
Package Card On the page: Package List a record must be set for each Unit of Measure on which Package Exchange is required.
Package Unit of Measure On each Unit of Measure which requires a exchange registration a line must be added.
Package Exchange Agreements On each customer, vendor and address which requires a exchange registration an agreement and -line must be set.
Package Balance Nos. On the page: Transport Setup, Tab: Numbering, field: Package Balance Nos must contain a value for the numbers to be applied to the Package Balance
Package Status Template On the page: Transport Setup, Tab: Status Template, field: Package Balance Template Nos must contain a value for the statuses to be applied to the Package Balance
Reason Codes A line for the table: Package Journal Line and related values must be entered for users to apply reasons when the quantity exchanged does not mathc the required quantity.
Status Template Section On the statustemplate: SECTION, 20-RELEASED a line with 3PL Statusfunction: 11172845-45(Add Package) must be inserted.
Status Template Section On the statustemplate: SECTION, 10-NEW up to and including 55-UNLOADED the parameter: Packaging Lines Editable must be set to: true.
Unit of Measure Use the action Package Unit of Measure to register on which Unit of Measure Package Exchange may be required.

Best Practice Examples

As the administration of packages is based on the settings mentioned above. In addition, the following factors influence the processing and calculation of packing balances.

  • Whether or not splitting the order into several sections.
  • Performing the trip yourself our outsourcing the trip.
  • The actual number of packages being exchanged when loading/unloading.

A few examples are stated below where the registration of packaging is explained in more detail using certain scenarios.

Scenario Section Excecution Exchange Comment
1. Full exchange Order is not split, direct delivery Self Full On both the loading and unloading the quantities loaded/unloaded have been exchanged
2. Partly Exchange Order is not split, direct delivery Self Partly On the loading the full quantity has been exchanged. On unloading only a part of the quantity has been exchanged.
3. Outsourced Order is not split, direct delivery Charter Partly On the loading the full quantity has been exchanged. On unloading only a part of the quantity has been exchanged.
4. Via depot Order is split via a depot Self Partly On the loading, unloading at the depot, loading at the depot the full quantity has been exchanged. On unloading only a part of the quantity has been exchanged.
4. Settle balance n.a. n.a. n.a. A transportorder, Sales Invoice or Sales Credit Memo can be created to settle the balance.