Table of Contents

Section planbox


The section planbox shows the user all sections to be planned, which are to be loaded in a specific region and must be unloaded in a specific region, during a specific period.

The section planbox is normaly started by clicking on a line in the window: My Plan Departments on the Role Center.


  • Click on the button: Open-this-page-in-a-new-window so the Section Planbox can be dragged to a new position on the screen. The user can now operate both the Section Planbox as well as the TripPlanSceen.



Group Action Description
- Function does not apply on section.
- Edit Opens the page: section in the edit-modus.
- View Opens the page: section in the read-only-modus.
Home Select for Planning The user-id will be filled in the field: Plan-Id on the selected lines(section). Now planning actions can be excecuted.
Home Combine Plan Selection into Trip A new trip will be created based on the selected section.
Home Add Plan Selection to Trip The selected section will be planned in the trip selected in the window: Planning Screen. By setting up Trip Section Plan Rules certain checks can be performed automatically.
Home Plan A selection screen will appear showing the planning function as mentioned above.
Function Split The selected section will be split in 2 sections.
Function Merge The depot on the selected section will be removed so 1 section will remain.
Function Split Plan Selection More information will follow.
Function Calculate Revenue/Cost Start calculating revenue/Cost on the selected section. This can be required when sections are split or merged.
Order Order Details Opens the page: Order.
Order Order Sections Opens the page: section and shows all sections of the order.
Order Restrictions Shows the restiction related to the section.
Order Show Shows a map with the load- and unload address of the section.
Analyse Show Carrier Contract Shows an overview of vendor-contracts which can apply when outsourcing the section.



Use personalization to show/hide and to arrange to sequence of the collums/field to get a optimized view of the section.

Field Description
Plan-Id When a line(section) is selected the code of the user who selected the line will be shown.
Group Order No. The Grouped Order Number of the order to which the section belongs.
No. The ordernumber of the order to which the section belongs.
Load sequence When selecting a line automatically the loadsequence will be determinated. See Transport Setup, Tab: Planning, Fields: Sequence Calculation Method and Sequence Calculation Step.
Unload Sequence When selecting a line automatically the unloadsequence will be determinated. See Transport Setup, Tab: Planning, Fields: Sequence Calculation Method and Sequence Calculation Step.
Loading Date From The date on which the section is availabel to load.
Loading Time From The time from which the section is availabel to load.
Loading Time To The time on which the section has to be loaded at the latest.
From Address Description The name of the loadingAddres of the section.
From Address Post Code The Postcode of the loadingAddres of the section.
From Address City The City in which the loadingAddres of the section is situated.
Unloading Date To The date on which the section has to be delivered at the latest.
Unloading Time From The time from which the section can be unloaded.
Unloading Time To The time on which the section has to be unloaded at the latest.
To Address Description The name of the unloadingAddres of the section.
To Address Post Code The Postcode of the unloadingAddres of the section.
To Address City The City in which the unloadingAddres of the section is situated.
Quantity The sum of the Quantity of the section lines related to the section.
Loadingmeter The sum of the 4th planning unit field on the section lines related to the section. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Euro The sum of the 1st planning unit field on the section lines related to the section. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Block The sum of the 2end planning unit field on the section lines related to the section. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Kilogram The sum of the 3rd planning unit field on the section lines related to the section. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Restrictions The restrictions applicable on the section.
Quantities When sections are selected, in the bottom part of the screen shows a total for each of the planning unit fields. This will help the user to determine if the selection will fitt on a vehicle.


Field Description
Order Additional information on the selected section.
Status Steps Steps related to the section.
Customer statistics Additional information on the customer of the section.