Table of Contents

Trip Planning Screen


The Trip Planning Screen shows all Trips currently in planning or in progress at the moment.

The Trip Planning Screen is normaly started by clicking on a line in the window: My Plan Departments on the Role Center. The page: SectionPlanbox will be opened.


Click in the menu on the button: Open-this-page-in-a-new-window and drag the Section Planbox to a new position on your screen. The page: Trip Planning Screen is now visible.



The trip contains a number of tab-sheets. Depending on the personalizatoin-settings, not all tabs will will be shown automatically to each user/role.

Name Description
Trips Contains the information on the trips currently in planning or in progress.
Planned Sections The sections planned on the trip selected in the tab:Trips. Each line contains a section. Various section functions a available on each line.
Section sequence The sectons planned on the trip selected in the tab: Trips. Each line contains a section. With buttons the sequence can be changed.
Activities All activities that apply to the trip selected in the tab:Trips. Possibility to configure additional activities for a trip. I.E. Border waypoints, Ferry Lines, Bridges, Weight platforms or Cleaning Stations.


In addition to the tab sheets above, a number of fact boxes can be displayed in which additional information is visible. Depending on the personalization-settings not all Fact-boxes will be shown automatically to each user/role.

Name Description
Status steps The steps related to the status of the trip.
Plan selection More information to follow.
Calculation The revenues and costs at different stages of the trip.
Links The documents linked to the trip, e.g. the scanned tripreport by the driver.