Table of Contents

Tab: Trips


Each line will show a trip currently in planning or in progress at the moment.




Group Action Description
Search Offers a search function on the page.
New Opens the page Trip to create a new trip.
Edit List Toggle button changes the lines from read-only to edit-modus.
Delete Deletes the currentyly select trip
Edit Opens the page Trip in the edit-modus.
View Opens the page Trip in the read-only-modus.
Home Plan Activities Determines the plan activities on the selected Trip based on planned sections.
Home Calculate Revenue/Cost Calculates the revenue and costs on the Trip.
Home Add optional Revenue/Costs Adds optional revenue and costs on the Trip.
Home Print Opens the page: Reports Selections with the reports that can be printed on a Trip.
Functions New Order Opens the page order to create a new order.
Functions Compare Vendors Based on the selected trip and the vendor contracts, a price comparison is displayed allowing the user to select the best fitting carrier on the trip.
Functions Create Irregulatity Opens the page: Irregularity to enter e new Irregularity on the trip.
Functions Plan Opens a page to select one of the planning functions, each function can also be found on the action bar.
Functions Combine Plan Selection into Trip When on both the pages: Section Planbox and Trip Planning Trip lines are selected the secton will be added to the trip when clicking on the button.
Functions Resource Planning Opens the page: [Resource Planning](
Functions Section Planning Opens the page: Section Planbox. from which unplanned secctions can be planned on a trip.
Next Status Changes the status on the selected trip. Click on the drop-down button to changet he button into the function Previous Status.
TMS Trip Comments Opens the page: Comment to register comments/note on the selected trip.
TMS Trip Restrictons Opens the page: Restrictions to add restrictions to the selected trip.
TMS Trip Conditions Opens the page: Conditions to add restrictions to the selected trip.
TMS Trip Links Opens the page: Trip - Links to view and manage the files linked to the trip.
TMS Trip Show Opens the page: Map view on which the planned route of the trip is shown.
Analysis Boardcomputer Log Entries Opens the page: Boardcomputer Log Entries which will contain the logging of planned activities send to the boardcomputer.
Analysis Data Integrations Opens the page: Data Integration which will contain the logging of all Data Integraton Messages related to the trip.


Field Description
No. The tripnumber of the selected trip.
Status The actual status of the selected trip.
Truck descripton The descripton of the selected truck planned on the trip.
Trailer descripton The descripton of the selected trailer planned on the trip.
Driver descripton The descripton of the selected driver planned on the trip.
Planned Starting Date The date on which the selected trip is planned to start.
Planned Starting Time The time on which the selected trip is planned to start.
Planned Ending Date The date on which the selected trip is planned to end.
Planned Starting Time The time on which the selected trip is planned to end.
Route A listing of the cities in which the selected trip has planned activities.
Load Mtr The sum of the 4th planning unit field of all planned sections on the selected trip.
Kilogram The sum of the 3rd planning unit field of all planned sections on the selected trip.
Restictions The restrictions on the selected trip.
Carrier Description The description of the carrier. Will only appier when a trip is outsourced to a vendor.