Table of Contents

PTV Developer


PTV Developer is the new replacement of xServer of PTV and contains a set of APIs that enrich the planning functionality like Geocoding, Maps and Routecalculation in 3PL Dynamics.


Using PTV Developer is restricted to licences. Contact your relation manager at Boltrics of your local partner in your country for more information on this feature branch.



For using the APIs the Boltrics Customer will first has to create a PTV account. Contact your relation manager at Boltrics or your local partner in your country for more information.

Once an account has been completed the API-key received has to be registered by Boltircs in MGT in the: User Accounts. A Q-lane: Set BC Envicrionment Settings can be executed to push the key to the customer environment.

PTV Developer Setup

On the page: PTV Developer the action: Initialize PTV can be found. By Clicking on this action the following steps will be performed:

Vehicle Profiles

For calculation trip routes, -kilometers and -duration the Vehicle Profile is applicable using the following priority:

  1. The Vehicle Profile set on the Trip.
  2. The Vehicle Profile set on the Truck planned on the Trip.
  3. The Vehicle Profile set on the Resource Group.
  4. The Vehicle Profile set on the page: PTV Developer
  5. The default profile: EUR_TRUCK_40T

Althought it is recommended to use the default PTV-profiles it is possible to create new profiles with specific characteristics. Per Truck or Resource Group countries can excluded so routes are not using the countries specified.

Toll calculation

The calculation of Toll is based on the PTV Vehicle Profile and the planned route calculated.

Once a Trip has been calculated the Toll will be shown in the factbox:

Example of Toll in a Trip Factbox. Trip factbox Toll

Depending on the level set in the PTV Calculation Methode, the Toll-costs will be specified per Country or section.


Boltrics is not responsible for any differences between the Toll-amount calculated on the planned route and the actual Toll charged.


On each Trip automatically emissons can be calculated based on the following settings/values:

Example of Emissions in a Trip Factbox. Trip Factbox Emissions


On the page: PTV Setup all settings related to the PTV Developer functionaltity can be found.